How To Grow A Facebook Page Organically

Anyone can get followers or engagements by paying ads. Facebook is a social media platform but it’s also a huge online marketplace of 2023. You can easily pay on Facebook to get a lot of likes or reaches, but what if those likes or reaches are irrelevant to you? So to resolve this issue we will learn step by step how to grow a Facebook page organically, fast, and free in 2023.

Daily millions of Facebook users visit their social profiles for fun or to pass time, but during this time Facebook shows you different ads, commercial products, or services.

So that people can engage with those posts and perform any action i.e. buy a product or view a marketing video. Facebook shows you those ads for free but gets paid by companies or business pages. But these all reaches or engagements are called paid reaches.

What is organic reach on Facebook?

All kinds of reaches that you gain with no cost, means free reaches are called organic reaches. Organic reaches usually come from sharing your posts, so that more people can engage with your content. Organic reaches also come from searches.

For Example:

I have a Facebook business page for real estate marketing, and I want to grow this page organically. Seems difficult? But, it’s not. I will go to my Facebook profile and join some real estate-related groups. I will post content on my business page and share this content with real estate Facebook groups and get a free and organic audience.

For a better understanding of this topic let’s jump to the main article.

What You Will Get From This Article:

  • What Is Organic Reach On Facebook?
  • How can I Grow My Facebook Page For Free?
  • Best Ways How To Grow Facebook Page Oragnically?
  • How To Get More People To Engage In My Content Organically?
  • Difference Between Paid Reach And Organic Reach

Best Ways How To Grow Facebook Page Organically

Everyone wants to grow his business for free or organically, right? The below information will help you better understand how you can grow your Facebook business page organically and fast.

1 – Post Regularly

2 – Post What Is Relevant

3 – Join Relevant Groups

4 – Share Posts With Relevant People

5 – Pin Your Best Post

6 – Stay Up-to-date With Facebook Policies

7 – Complete Your Bio / About Us Section On Page

8 – Share Your Best Customer Reviews

9 – Invite Friends And Family To Like Your Page

10 – Engage With Relevant Communities

Now we will see every point in detail and learn how to increase organic reach on Facebook in 2023. Let’s start with point one.

1 – Post Regularly

Post your content consistently to engage with your audience on daily basis. Facebook is a big platform and there are a lot of competitors for you, all you need to do is post high-quality content on daily basis.

How does it work?

This strategy will help you gain your followers more easily and fastly. When you post regularly people see, react, or engage with your content and wait for your next posts. If you post once a month, nobody will engage in that way or wait for you as I mentioned your competitors will steal your audience very easily.

Another benefit of posting regularly is that Facebook algorithms will also help your posts to reach more new organic reaches daily.

Tips For Engaging Posts:

The attractive graphics, eye-catching taglines, and good offers will help you more in this case. Follow some related tags for appearing in search results whenever people search for related content.

For Example:

I have an e-commerce clothing store, I post ladies’ clothing designs and some discount offers on regular basis. So my audience will wait for my next post, design, or offer, as the ladies are too curious about these things, right?

What if I disappear from my business page and do not post for a long, what will happen to my page? My competitors will steal my audience because your audience will not disappear like you, they will visit their timelines daily and engage with the interesting stuff.

So keep posting high-quality and engaging content for your audience.

2 – Post What Is Relevant

Relevancy is a key to success. So post relevant content to your niche and audience. A business page is always based on a unique niche, and you get the same kind of audience.

In this way, you can easily build a great community of followers who only like such content. This will help you in the future to engage with your content or to generate sales.

For Example:

If you are a real estate agent then what kind of audience you will choose to run an ad on Facebook? Obivisily those people have an interest in real estate and have a specific age limit. So no one will wish to waste all his ad money, because you will not wish to show your content to people with having age limit below 18 years and who have no interest in real estate.

3 – Join Relevant Groups

You will always need a platform to show your message or content to convince people so they engage with it. So free Facebook groups are the best options for this task.

How does it work?

Creating a Facebook business page and posting your content is an initial process but with zero followers you will get nothing. The right and the free place is to share your content with thousands of free users in Facebook social groups.

What kind of groups you should choose? The answer is relevant to your niche.

For Example:

You are a graphic designer and social media expert, you want to get work, what will you do? You go to your timeline and search the relevant groups i.e freelancing groups or social media expert community groups. So that you can easily share your post there and get work from concerned people. In such groups employees and employers, both exist.

In case you do not know how to join and search for Facebook groups you can follow these images below.

Step 1:

Go to your timeline and click on the Groups on the very left sidebar of your Facebook home page.

How to join free Facebook groups
How to join free Facebook groups

Step 2:

When you click on groups you will land on this page below, here you will click on Discover.

How to join Facebook groups
How to join Facebook groups

Step 3:

When you click discover, it means you can now discover new groups here. Search for related groups and join those groups that will allow you to post publically.

Now you can share your content with millions of free users and will get a lot of followers for free.

4 – Share Posts With Relevant People

Let’s think out of the box now, Facebook is not the only platform for sharing your content. You can share your page’s link on any other platform where possible.

It does not mean sharing everywhere for anything, share your content where you think it is worth sharing. You can share your content on Whatsapp groups, Youtube, and Twitter.

You can also share your page’s link with your friends and family on different platforms. You can join relevant Whatsapp groups to share your content or you can share it on relevant Youtube channels.

5 – Pin Your Best Post

Facebook allows you to pin anyone’s post on your Facebook business page. This strategy works on the famous phrase “First impression is the last”.

How does it work?

Let’s assume you have made a very high-quality content post for your page that describes your page very well and can force anyone to know more about you.

What will be your expectations from this post? You will obviously wish everyone who visits your page must see it so that one can know all about your page with fewer words and time.

In case someone sees your link anywhere and clicked on it and does not want to check the whole page, so the easy way to convey your message to your visitors is that you must pin that post.

6 – Stay Up-to-date With Facebook Policies

The ones who stay up-to-date in their field are always successful. You must know all the trends and policies of your marketplace for better growth.

Facebook updates its policies on a regular basis and introduces new features to its marketplace. So you must follow the related news and should stay up-to-date with Facebook trends and features. For any kind of tech news, you can also visit our home page.

Why it’s important to stay updated?

You can compete with your competitors easily if you stay up-to-date with all the new features of Facebook. The easy way to compete in the market is to do something different, and what is that different in this case? The feature Facebook introduces and someone uses it for better growth but you still do not know about it, that’s why staying updated is important.

7 – Complete Your Bio / About Us Section On Page

Facebook will automatically show your page in the top search results if you build a good page by filling in all the required parameters.

Facebook encourages those pages to have all important information like page category, page address, and bio details.

People trust those pages that tell more about their business and location. A good “about us” or “bio” section will help you build more relations and trust for your future. A well-optimized page is always better than one having no public information about its business.

Filling in all page details is not the only necessary work you should do but also make sure you have public this information. Google, Facebook, and many other platforms believe that sharing your correct location and other business details increases your brand authority which can help you in the long term.

8 – Share Your Best Customer Reviews

It’s a big source to get organic customers. It’s human nature that we trust more on those brands that have more good customer reviews. An honest customer review after buying a product always helps others to take decisions.

Facebook allows business pages to show their reviews. So how can you get benefit from this feature?

We all know in any business we do not get 100% good reviews, right? But you will request your customers or clients to give you good reviews on the page or in your inbox. The page reviews are already public but you can also make a post of your best 20 customer reviews and can share it on different platforms as mentioned in the above sections 3 and 4.

For Example:

You want to buy a “Wireless Gaming-Head Phone” through Amazon. Obviously, you go and search it on Amazon but what will be your preference to choose from so many listings? The good reviews, right? So in this way, it works for you to get long-term and organic customers.

9 – Invite Friends And Family To Like Your Page

Your page likes always create an impact on your visitors, so try your best to get free and organic likes. Invite your friends and family to like and support your page. But only this thing will work for you? No, but you can get organic likes from Facebook groups and Whatsapp groups too.


Remember all the people who like your posts are not your followers, so you can also invite those people to like your page by sending them an invitation with just one click.

How you can invite those who only like your posts but not the page?

It’s quite easy just click on the number of likes you got on a single post. Facebook will show you all the names in a list who liked your specific post in a pop-up window with the button “Invite” in front of everyone’s name. Now, all you need to click on that invite option, and an invitation sent, thanks me later!

For Example:

Its example is simple if you have an e-commerce store page, why not more people buy from you as compared to Amazon? Because Amazon has a huge following and good reviews in the e-commerce market.

10 – Engage With Relevant Communities

Facebook now allows you to create a community, or to join a relevant one. Whatsapp also has this feature and a lot of people are getting audiences from those communities.

You can share your content or page’s link in different related groups as mentioned in above section 3 but you can also make your own group and people will automatically join it slow by slow.

Joining relevant communities help you build your brand worth for a long-term business. In this way, you build trust in your community, engage with people, and in the end get benefits.

New people join such communities on a daily basis which makes it easy for you to hit more new audiences organically and free.


The best way to work in such communities is to interact with different people and answer different questions and after building trust you can put your idea/product easily.

We hope the above 10 methods will help you grow your Facebook business page more easily now. Maybe you have listened to some of those above methods but the way we explained them with the latest and new knowledge according to 2023 will definitely help you grow in the future.

As mentioned in the very first paragraph of the article that you can also get followers by paying Facebook, but are those followers will be relevant to your niche?

Somehow the answer is yes, but in practice, we have observed that organic followers are a more authentic approach.

Difference Between Paid Reach And Organic Reach:

We have explained it above, but let’s understand it more easily through the table below.

Paid ReachOrganic Reach
Can get the irrelevant audienceOnly relevant people will reach
Paid / CostlyNo cost / Free
The paid audience is less engaging Organic reach will engage more with posts
Less trusted audience Long-term audience
Do not share your contentShare your content with friends
Difference Between Paid And Organic Reach

This table is based on our practical experience and will help you understand the difference very clearly.

There might be a lot more methods to grow your Facebook page organically, but we guarantee if you follow only 7 or 8 above sections, you will clearly see good growth in your business page.

Sharing is caring so if you find this content helpful, must share it with your friends, community, and family.

This platform is for learning so it’s for everyone. You can also add your contribution to this post by commenting below and by contacting us through the “Contact Us” form in the footer section of the website.

For more useful content and money-making methods, you can visit this post below or visit our home page.

Best Ways To Earn Money From Facebook Pages

Ali Raza

Ibrahim R. is a researcher, author, and social activist. He has got a lot of knowledge about social media terms. Ibrahim R. is a certified content writer and SME. He is engaged in a lot of social activities like writing articles on trending social topics or news.

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